LeAnne Dolce with Dolce & Lay joined the Geneius Ad-vantage in 2021 to help her grow her business.
Here were her 3 biggest reasons for joining the Geneius family:
Know what guys? I’m here to talk to you today, see about is Billy Gene legit?
Here are my thoughts in my review of Billy Gene Is Marketing.
I’m Leanne Dulce and I joined Billy Gene’s Ad-vantage because one. I needed help with Facebook ads, with YouTube ads, with just ads in general.
Two, he shows up everywhere. When I see – When I say I see multiple videos of Billy daily… I know he knows what he’s talking about because I see him everywhere.
And three, because it’s a black man. And he’s just real and honest.
I listen to him on Clubhouse so you get to hear the real Billy. And through his classes what you see is what you get and he is awesome. He just rolls stuff off the top of his head like it’s amazing.
Now my biggest takeaway from all my time with Billy has been you control your destiny. And if you want it you gotta work for it baby. Because it isn’t gonna just fall in your lap. And what I’ve used that knowledge to do is to help me gain more followers and gain more customers through my ads promotion.
My business is still growing but I know that I’m going to reach my goals, my financial goals and my customer base goals using the techniques that I’ve learned from Billy.
If you’re on the fence about joining I want to let you know Billy is the truth and I don’t say that about many people.
I’ve paid a lot of money for a lot of different courses and consultants and mentors.
Billy is hands on. He’s in there, he’s teaching you, he’s in the trenches with you. They’re showing you – his team is showing you what to do.
You can’t go wrong. So what are you waiting for?
So when you ask is Billy Gene legit… Baby, Billy is 100, and if you’re not ready to invest in yourself Billy ain’t the right one for you.
But if you’re ready to get this money, to get out here and work hard for your business, and to show your customers that they mean the most to you then you need to get with Billy, ’cause Billy Gene Is Marketing, baby.