Junius Bennett with Nu Life Veterans went from homeless and living in a hotel to over $20k in sales by implementing what he learned from the Geneius Ad-vantage Plus.
Learn how he started advertising back in October of 2020 and where he’s at now:
Hello everyone, my name is Junius Bennett with Nu Life Veterans, and today I’m getting ready to share with you and answer the number one question that’s on the internet right now: is Billy Gene a marketing scam?
Now I know you’re asking that question because you see a lot of videos out there from different gurus out there and you don’t really know who to trust.
Well this is where I get to begin to share my story of how Billy Gene has helped my business.
When I started my business, I was homeless living in a hotel. But I had just got awarded some money for my disability, so I got some money to spend on getting my business off the ground.
So while I was in a hotel I decided to join Billy June of 2020 in the Geneius Ad-vantage program and also the Geneius Ad-vantage Plus.
The reason why I bought both of the products is because I knew that my learning style is a little bit different. What do I mean by that?
Some people can learn just by looking at some videos on a laptop and then there’s some people that have to be in classroom that’s the way they learn, everybody learns different. So I knew that I needed something hands-on and the Geneius Ad-vantage Plus, even though we were long distance from each other, was the right way for me to enroll because I needed to be hands-on, talk to some people live, investigate my ads and what I’m doing wrong. So that’s why I started.
So, back October the 8th. Let’s fast forward October 8th I decided to after watching videos to place my first static ad. It was an image ad because I was fearful about video. I made no sales on October 8th.
I was bummed out like most of you probably would be. So what I did was I knew I had extra backup in the Geneius Ad-vantage Plus program, so I got on a Zoom call, every Tuesday around 2 p.m Eastern Standard Time.
So I got on the call and I raised my hand up. In the midst of all the other marketers, Billy chose me to talk about my business and how he can do it.
So what he did was ask me a series of questions about how to find out about my veterans, what are the ages, what state I’m targeting, and he just broke down the ads manager.
But one thing he said to me was, Junius, I can guarantee you success if you do what I’m about to tell you.
So he told me how to do the ad manager. He told me how to do my offers. He also told me how to do the message, the problem and solution.
So after that call on October 27th I went through the holidays, I went through Christmas and Thanksgiving thinking about this thing. I was very nervous about creating a video, okay but one thing that Billy said was Junius, you got to do video. You’re awesome on video, that’s your strength.
So on October, I mean April the 22nd, this is the next following year, I did my first video ad and again I did no sales. Man, I was discouraged! But I’m no longer homeless, now I’m into my own place.
Billy said I want you to go back to the hotel, shoot a video where you used to live in a hotel. I want you to shoot a video on how you live now.
So I did that on May the 4th. May the 4th of 2021. This is my third time trying, three is the charm and I’m not a quitter.
My definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result…
Now the ad ran for 13 days, I spent $138.31. All right, that netted me two sales out of all the clicks and all the people who converted with their name, email and telephone number.
I did two sales. My product is a thousand dollars. That’s $2000.00 dollars on $138 dollar ad spend. But that’s not the most telling story.
Because of the confidence that I got from being on the Zoom calls on October 27th and being on another Zoom call two weeks prior to that ad, I was able to gain the confidence. I was able to stick my chest out and do this thing and go down to Miami and shoot this video, put all three spliced together to get that done.
But here’s the thing: this was our greatest month ever. May 2021 we closed the month out. I just looked at my Chase account before going on Memorial Day holiday weekend. We did over $20,000 dollars in sales!
So to answer the question is really is Billy Gene Is Marketing scam or is he real, my answer to that question is absolutely not.
This man is passionate about what he does. He has everybody, all types of employees there to help you. So my thing is to enroll into the Geneius Ad-vantage Plus program or the Geneius Ad-vantage program, whichever works for you.
This is my personal testimony. Thank you so much for watching, and have a great day.